Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Just a few ramblings after a blogging hiatus...

Wow, I've gotten really bad at keeping up with this thing! We've had so much going on lately, it has been hard to take a few minutes to update the blog as opposed to just sitting around, relaxing with my husband. That's right! I said husband!!! We tied the knot on April 25! It's weird. I am previously divorced and I swore that I would never get married again. G and I actually just had a conversation about this yesterday. He swore he would never get married and I told everyone I was never getting married again. I didn't want to have to go through divorce again and I figured if things ever went south it would be a lot easier and less expensive if my significant other and I weren't married....enter my soul mate....It's amazing how one person can destroy your entire view on love and relationships and then someone else can completely restore your faith in people. Mind you, I still have my insecurities, but G is amazing and completely patient and understanding. I thought my first marriage was love, but it was nothing compared to the love, passion, and understanding that I experience on a daily basis now. I don't feel like I have to hide any part of me from him. He has seen my flaws and deficiencies, and still loves me in spite of them or perhaps because of them. No one is perfect, right?
Anyway, have a great week!

How far along: 24 weeks
Gender: Boy
Weight gain: 17 pounds as of 4/24
Maternity clothes: still haven't bought any maternity pants. I've been wearing a lot of maxi skirts and dresses instead
Stretch marks: None thankfully
Belly button in or out: Out, but not too terribly bad
Sleep: Great, still sleeping through the night, although, I do wake up a couple hours before my alarm to pee
Rings on or off: On
Best moment this week: Considering I haven't posted in quite some time, i'm going to use the best moment in the past few weeks: getting married!
Worst moment this week: Nothing really
Miss anything: Beer
Movement: ALL. The. Time!!
Cravings: Nothing specific, just hungry every half hour.
Queasy or sick: neither
Looking forward to: the next ultrasound

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

ITS A.....

I know my posts have been lacking for the past couple of weeks, but life has been pretty hectic lately. Don't worry though, I'm back on track now! This has been quite the exciting week so far! I'm 19 weeks along now. We had our ultrasound on Monday. Thankfully it was at 10 so we didn't have to wait all day like last time. On Sunday night, I posted a poll of sorts on Facebook with this picture:
We had 18 votes for girl and 14 votes for boy. Everyone was so excited to find out, we received messages all day long from people anticipating the result! The ultrasound itself was amazing. I love being able to see my little wiggle worm! G and I were both pretty sure we saw the same thing on the screen but weren't positive. We had the tech write down the gender and put it in an envelope and gave it to my sister to get a balloon with confetti. We met her for lunch and at the end of lunch popped the balloon.
Turns out, we were right with what we thought we saw. It's a boy!! We had an amazing day on Monday and this was our facebook announcement:
(It's a 'studmuffin' hehe)
My dad is super stoked that his first grandchild is a boy, of course. G and I are very excited as well. We stopped at a store on the way home and they had batman bibs that we just had to buy for him, lol. We are very excited to finally know what we're having and to be able to decorate and buy gender specific items. 
Anyway, have a great rest of the week!

How far along: 19 weeks
Gender: BOY!!!
Weight gain: 9 lbs
Maternity clothes: on and off, depends on what I'm doing
Stretch marks: none yet, thankfully!
Belly button in or out: Mostly in but its starting to pop
Sleep: Great with some crazy dreams. The night before the ultrasound, i did dream that we had a boy!
Rings on or off: on
Best moment this week: Going to our anatomy scan/ultrasound! So exciting!
Worst moment this week: nothing really
Miss anything: Not at the moment, enjoying this pregnancy so much!
Movement: Some, but not feeling it everyday yet
Cravings: Clementines and popcorn, not usually at the same time haha
Queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: Baby shower time and our mini vacation in July!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Week 15

According to the apps that I have, Crash is the size of an avocado and a naval orange! That sounds pretty big to me! This week has been pretty low key. G and I are pretty positive that Crash is a girl, but we still have a couple more weeks to wait till we actually find out. I have my next appointment on the 16th, so I'm hoping to get scheduled for the ultrasound when I go. (S)he is big enough for us to feel when I'm laying down and and I can feel her sometimes when I'm standing up now, too. Its so exciting to be able to feel where she is and feel all of the places that she hangs out while we're laying around watching movies or shows. G thought he was able to feel her squirming around one night and about a week later I thought I felt her kick, but I'm not positive yet. I can't wait to feel a definite kick! It snowed a pretty good amount this week. Still had to go to work, but I did get off early on Thursday and Friday, so G, Crash and I got to enjoy some extra time together. My bump is really starting to show now. It's almost too big for my scrub tops. I give it about 2 more weeks till they no longer fit over the bump :0) Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend and a great week next week!
Belly shot:

How far along: 15 weeks
Gender: Pretty sure we're having a girl
Weight gain: Haven't checked in about 2 weeks
Maternity clothes: more and more every week
Stretch marks: nada
Belly button in or out: in but i say about 2 more weeks for that too. It's so close to the surface now
Sleep: Good, but my dreams are all over the place
Rings on or off: Still on
Best moment this week: feeling what I think was a kick
Worst moment this week: I'm having some terrible headaches and heartburn, but if thats the worst i'll get, i can't complain.
Miss anything: Meh, nothing too much
Movement: I think so!
Cravings: Cravings are all over the place too, one minute pizza, the next minute candy
Queasy or sick: nope just headaches and heartburn lol
Looking forward to: the next appointment and hopefully scheduling the ultrasound

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Holy Cow, 14 weeks already!!!

This has been a good week so far. G and I had a terrific weekend! I had family in from California so we went and visited with everyone. I had my second appointment on Monday and got to listen to Crash's heartbeat (at 150 bpm). My OB also talked to me about the first trimester testing. I opted against it at my first appointment because even if I find out that there is some sort of disorder or irregularity, it wouldn't change anything about my pregnancy, it would just cause worry. She told me that they do the screenings not only to find out, but because some of the diagnoses can be corrected if caught early enough (such as Spina Bifida). She scheduled me for my next appointment in 3 weeks so that I'd still have time to do a Quad test if I so choose, but I'm still opting out. If they do happen to find anything irregular, then I'd still be sent for an amnio, and that is a risk i'm just not willing to take.
I'm so excited to find out what we're having! My next appointment is in 3 weeks and hopefully, they schedule my ultrasound since I'll be 17 weeks by then. G and I have done all of the old wives tales just for fun. We did about 10 of them and I believe 8, or so, said girl, haha. Anyway, I hope you're all having a wonderful week and things are only getting better for you!

How far along: 14 weeks
Gender: We both are thinking girl, but it doesn't have anything to do with the old wives tales
Weight gain: still holding at 4 lbs
Maternity clothes: here and there
Stretch marks: none yet
Belly button in or out: in, but its getting closer to popping
Sleep: the dreams are getting weirder and weirder but still sleeping well
Rings on or off: still on
Best moment this week: Hearing my baby's heartbeat!
Worst moment this week: None
Miss anything: Beer (don't judge)
Movement: Can't feel any yet, but everyone says it should start soon
Cravings: My cravings are all over the place!
Queasy or sick: Neither!
Looking forward to: My next appointment

Saturday, February 21, 2015

13 weeks

I hit the second semester!! I've got a nice little bump going and I LOVE when people tell me I'm glowing! G and I had a family dinner at my grandmothers today. I loved that everyone wanted to see my bump! Valentines day was pretty great! G bought me two gender neutral onsies that are adorable and so very fitting.
Not a lot of other news this week.
How far along: 13 weeks
Gender: No idea yet, but leaning towards girl
Weight gain: 4 lbs in the first trimester
Maternity clothes: a few here and there but loving my belly band
Stretch marks: none
Belly button in or out:in but it's getting closer to popping
Sleep: Pretty good with lots of dreams
Rings on or off: on
Best moment this week: spending the day with G on his birthday and the hockey game
Worst moment this week: Nothing that I can think of
Miss anything: meh
Movement: not yet but I can't wait to start feeling it. Everyone says its not far off
Cravings: Still veggies, apples, healthy foods
Queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: Doctors appointment on monday and hopefully finding our when we'll get the ultrasound to find out gender!
Crash's first hockey game:
and this weeks belly shot:

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Week 12

My belly has popped and i'm starting to show. I went to lunch with a friend today and it was the first day that I couldn't button my pants! I'm officially using my belly band because I refuse to pay an insane amount of money for maternity pants that I'll only wear for a few months.
Greg and I have the most amazing friends. They are a God send and have given us so much stuff already. He came home with a basket of clothes, a boppy pillow, and a baby carrier. My cousin gave us a pair of gender neutral Toms last weekend. My friend gave me a gift pack of organic nausea prevention skin care and tea.
We have our second doctors appointment next monday. Can't wait for that!
Anyway, starting monday, i'll be in the second trimester! Super stoked for that, too!
Belly shot (please excuse my makeup-less face, I was still getting ready for the day):

How far along: 12 weeks
Gender: No idea, we're just hoping for a healthy baby
Weight gain: Haven't checked since last time
Maternity clothes: still wearing regular clothes, just can't button my jeans and choosing looser shirts
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: it varies but usually good with lots of vivid dreams!
Rings on or off: on
Best moment this week: being in the last week of the first trimester
Worst moment this week: can't say there is one
Miss anything: nothing at the moment
Movement: not that I can feel, but it's defintely happening in there!!
Cravings: fruits and veggies still
Queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender in a few weeks

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

11 Weeks and an ultrasound!

This has been such a great pregnancy week. Last Monday, Greg and I went to my first doctor's appointment, as mentioned in my last post. This past Friday, we had the first Ultrasound!! It was so exciting to see Crash. Plus, not only did we get to see him/her, the little wiggle worm was moving all over the place!! Legs were kicking, arms were flexing, it even appeared as though he or she had hiccups at one point! I loved every second of it! It was amazing to see the baby moving all around inside me, but being unable to feel any of it. The ultrasound tech was amazing. She was so quick and friendly, it made for a great experience. She told us that the baby was measuring around 10 weeks 4 days, which was only 3 days ahead of what we had calculated and that the heart rate was 170 beats per minute, which she said was perfect for the age! After the appointment, my mom and I went to the outlets at the beach to buy some maternity clothes. Turns out barely anyone sells them in stores anymore. I was not impressed with the Motherhood Maternity store's selection. We ended up going to Old Navy where I just purchased a few tunics and over-sized tops to wear for maternity tops with leggings. I also stuffed my face at Panera.
I always order their broccoli cheddar soup in a bread bowl but this time I also ordered a Fuji apple chicken salad, and let me tell you something: I'm in love!!!! That salad was so incredibly delicious! I think I have a new usual when I eat there.
The women that I work with have noticed my little baby belly and they think its absolutely adorable, haha. luckily, it's still small enough to fit into my scrub tops!
Anyway, here is a picture of our little party animal! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week/weekend!
Belly shot, starting to show!!
How far along: 11 weeks

Gender: Same as last post, He thinks boy, I'm thinking girl
Weight gain: 5 lbs and holding
Maternity clothes: I'm starting to incorporate my recent purchases into my wardrobe rotation
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: it varies but usually good with lots of vivid dreams!
Rings on or off: on
Best moment this week: Seeing our little creation wiggling on the ultrasound!
Worst moment this week: can't say there is one
Miss anything: nothing at the moment
Movement: not that I can feel, but it's defintely happening in there!!
Cravings: fruits and veggies still
Queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender in a few weeks